Legal advice

General terms and conditions and your order process

General terms and conditions and your order process takes care of the preparation and improvement of the general terms and conditions in various sectors in consultation with the lawyer. Good general terms and conditions are fundamental and avoid future legal conflicts and risks associated with doing business.

General terms and conditions are the rules of the game for your company. These terms and conditions include sections on liability, warranty period, reflection period, payment options, … The drafting of the general terms and conditions makes it clear which rights and obligations apply to both parties.

"General terms and conditions are the rules of the game for your company"

Optimization of your order process

In addition to the general terms and conditions, the order process will be explored and improved. This leads to an improved financial and legal business structure.

The current order process is examined from A to Z, adjustments are implemented where necessary. In this way it is checked whether the way in which a quotation is sent to customers is legally correct, whether the general terms and conditions have been published correctly, etc.

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